The current ‘Graduate Premium’ is being existentially challenged by 7.6% interest on student loans, which equates to £43k to pay back over time for a university degree.
Life handbrake levels of debt.
And that is before we account for the investment employers now make to (re)skill a graduate for the increasing complexities of work.
If the cost of learning is rightly amortised over our working lifetime (investment vs return), why do we still consider the education phase of our lives in such absolute terms?
We seem stuck with a VFM calculation on the prize of a certificate through the final gateway to employment.
And employment is then framed as a new phase with a different ROI for learning - most often paid for by the employer.
What if we could reconfigure the VFM calculus around learning as an ongoing pathway for life, as much as career progression?
We might choose to invest in learning commensurate with our ambition, opportunity, mobility, vocation etc - so enable the recalibration of metrics and optics of value.
Hop on and hop off to spread the cost and reap the rewards, as both student, employee and employer - step by step.
Is that such a stretch?